Display Items from a List in the App web using Client side Object model in SharePoint 2013
// The allAnnouncements variable is used by more than one
// function to retrieve and process the results.
var allAnnouncements;
var hostweburl;
var appweburl;
// Load the required SharePoint libraries
$(document).ready(function () {
//Get the URI decoded URLs.
hostweburl =
appweburl =
// resources are in URLs in the form:
// web_url/_layouts/15/resource
var scriptbase = hostweburl + "/_layouts/15/";
// Load the js files and continue to the successHandler
$.getScript(scriptbase + "SP.Runtime.js",
function () {
$.getScript(scriptbase + "SP.js",
function () { $.getScript(scriptbase + "SP.RequestExecutor.js", execCrossDomainRequest); }
// Function to prepare and issue the request to get
// SharePoint data
function execCrossDomainRequest() {
// context: The ClientContext object provides access to
// the web and lists objects.
// factory: Initialize the factory object with the
// app web URL.
var context = new SP.ClientContext(appweburl);
var factory =
new SP.ProxyWebRequestExecutorFactory(
//Get the web and list objects
// and prepare the query
var web = context.get_web();
var list = web.get_lists().getByTitle("Announcements");
var camlString =
"<View><ViewFields>" +
"<FieldRef Name='Title' />" +
"<FieldRef Name='Body' />" +
var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
allAnnouncements = list.getItems(camlQuery);
context.load(allAnnouncements, "Include(Title, Body)");
//Execute the query with all the previous
// options and parameters
successHandler, errorHandler
// Function to handle the success event.
// Prints the data to the page.
function successHandler(data, req) {
var announcementsHTML = "";
var enumerator = allAnnouncements.getEnumerator();
while (enumerator.moveNext()) {
var announcement = enumerator.get_current();
announcementsHTML = announcementsHTML +
"<p><h1>" + announcement.get_item("Title") +
"</h1>" + announcement.get_item("Body") +
document.getElementById("renderAnnouncements").innerHTML =
// Function to handle the error event.
// Prints the error message to the page.
function errorHandler(data, error, errorMessage) {
document.getElementById("renderAnnouncements").innerText =
"Could not complete cross-domain call: " +
// Function to retrieve a query string value.
// For production purposes you may want to use
// a library to handle the query string.
function getQueryStringParameter(paramToRetrieve) {
var params =
var strParams = "";
for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i = i + 1) {
var singleParam = params[i].split("=");
if (singleParam[0] == paramToRetrieve)
return singleParam[1];
Nice post, I tested with O365 it working well, but on my local SharePoint foundation 2013 it not working on this line ( var context = new SP.ClientContext(appweburl);) I don't know why.. can you help me to solve this problem.?
Hi Tola,
I'm trying this on O365 (trial dev account) and it fails with the following error:
Could not complete cross-domain call: undefined
How did you make it work?
What I need is to dipaly a list item in an app part and it's just impossible for me? All samples I found and all my personal effort I put into with no results.
Any idea?
My name is Nic and not that guild tat showed up, not sure where I can change that. :)
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