Users can Upload Pictures in SharePoint 2013 with "Image with formatting and constraints for publishing” column

Image Rendition is a new Feature in SharePoint 2013 with which users can re-size Images to a fix pre-defined Image Template and use them in WebParts or on a SharePoint Page. A perfect example when a user want to use fixed size Images is when they want to add an Image in a Blog Posts or in an Announcement Body. The Images in this case should be of fixed size to adhere to the rules of the desired formatting.

To Create a Column in a Document Library or a List that allows end-users to Choose Images from a SharePoint Library (like Images or Site Asserts) along with the required Image Rendition, we need to first Create a Site Column of type “Image with formatting and constraints for publishing” in our SharePoint site. The SharePoint Site should be either Created from a Publishing Template or has Publishing Feature enabled. Lets look the Steps to Create Such a Column and use it with one of the Image Rendition in Announcements Library.

Steps -
1. Navigate to Site Columns in Site Settings under ‘Web Designer Galleries’.
SharePoint 2013 Site Columns

2. On Site Columns page, Click on “Create” button.
SharePoint 2013 Create Site Column

3. Create a Site Column of type “Image with formatting and constraints for publishing” and add it into a Custom Site Column Group.
SharePoint 2013 Announcements Image
4. Once the Site Column is added it should be displayed under ‘Custom Columns’ group.
SharePoint 2013 Announcements Site Column
5. Next add this Site Column in your Document Library or List.For this example we will add it to an Announcements Library. Navigate to the List Settings of an Announcements Library and select ‘Add from existing site columns’.
SharePoint 2013 Add from existing Site columns
6. Select the new “Announcements Image” Site Column that we Created above.
SharePoint 2013 New Site Columns
7. Once done Create a new Item to see Announcements Image Site Column.
SharePoint 2013 Site Column
Click on ‘Click here to insert a picture from SharePoint.’ to add a new Picture.
8. In the Image Properties Popup select the Image from one of the SharePoint Libraries and select Image rendition. See the screen below.
SharePoint 2013 Image Rendition
9. Once you are done, you can notice all the Images are uploaded with the size that was Chosen in Image Rendition Display Template.


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